Leitz Microscope’s Orthoplan, Aristoplan and Diaplan

cLeitz is a recognized brand known to offer different products, and one of their pioneer products is the microscope. Over the course of years, the company was able to produce high-quality and durable microscopes perfect to use at different scenarios. Since its launch, the company gained different arrays of products. Currently, their microscopes are categorizes into three. These are the Orthoplan, Aristoplan and the Diaplan,

These may seem too technical for you so here are layman terms for all of it. This will help you a lot in choosing the best Leitz Microscope for a certain purpose, even if it is brand new or used. Most people usually purchase Leitz Used Laboratory Microscopes since it can still function as brand new. That is how efficient and durable it is.

The Orthoplan

The Orthoplan was initially launched on the market 25 years ago. These are microscopes geared for general purposes so it is best to be used in schools and even in laboratories. However, it is more popular in the research facilities. The great thing about this type is that it has a view of 28mm, which has doubled viewing capacity than any other microscopes.

There are also different designs to choose from. There are black, hammer-tone, silver and ivory. Among these designs, the black models are considered to be collectibles. The orthoplan provides many benefits including great phase and interference contrasts, polarized lenses, dark field, brightfield and Epi illumination schemes.

The Aristoplan

The Aristoplan is the high-end, top-of-the-line microscope of Leitz. It was first releases in 1986 and began selling like hotcakes. The Aristoplan offers many features that are well-attribute to the Orthoplan but it offer full range of viewing techniques. This includes the phase contrast, differential phase contrast, darkfield and fluorescence.

The advantage of using Aristoplan is that it accepts other elements. It has the capacity to show images of mercury, tungsten-halogen bulbs, xenon-arx and many more. The objective lenses also have different magnifications. It can magnify an object from 2.5x to 100x, in which a 160mm tube is designed. There are lots of these from the dealers of Leitz used laboratory microscopes.

The Diaplan

The Diaplan has a modular design, perfect for basic viewing. It first hit the market un 1985 and is now widely used in different facilities worldwide. Many hobbyists, professionals and freelancers purchase this product as it offer accuracy to view different specimens.

This microscope actually has the same features with the Aristoplan since it can also accept elements like mercury and halogen bulbs. It also has a universal condenser like the Aristoplan and can be used to have varied viewing methods. The Diaplan can be installed with different objectives, as long as it can fit the 160mm tube length. The objectives can be installed for more than 100x magnification using a special objective for oil immersion.

These are the three Leitz Used Laboratory Microscopes that you should know. Obviously, the company has a particular microscope for a certain purpose. Know more about this by asking your dealer today.

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